Arithmetic Average 210.25455696203
Median 137.94
Variance 79029.211120224
Std. Dev. 281.12134589928
Amplitude 3187.14
Different Values 162
Amount Values 869
Non-null Values 869
Lowest Value 7.26
Highest Value 3194.4
Arithmetic Average 307.96339470656
Median 211.75
Variance 167222.55378512
Std. Dev. 408.92854361749
Amplitude 4777.08
Different Values 223
Amount Values 869
Non-null Values 869
Lowest Value 14.52
Highest Value 4791.6
Report of sales
Monday, 10 de March de 2025
Month&Year of Date - January/2017
ID Region Product Customer Amount Cost Sales Profit
3 South Atlantic Outback Lager Yoshi Tannamuri 5 $54.45 $90.75 $36.30
4 East South Central Teatime Chocolate Biscuits Felipe Izquierdo 15 $108.90 $163.35 $54.45
7 South Atlantic Chocolade Mary Saveley 8 $78.65 $125.84 $47.19
10 East North Central Chai Lucia Carvalho 10 $118.58 $169.40 $50.82
11 East North Central Inlagd Sill Lucia Carvalho 5 $54.45 $90.75 $36.30
14 East South Central Manjimup Dried Apples Art Braunschweiger 6 $192.39 $384.78 $192.39
18 Mid-Atlantic Tourtire Martine Rance 6 $21.78 $43.56 $21.78
19 East South Central Ravioli Angelo Carlos Gonzalez 15 $242.00 $363.00 $121.00
22 East South Central Outback Lager Maria Larsson 9 $127.05 $163.35 $36.30
25 East North Central Sir Rodney Yvonne Moncada 12 $96.80 $116.16 $19.36
View 1 2 3 4 5 [1 to 10 of 869]